- matriarchate
- n. system wherein a female is the family head, matriarchy; matriarchal system
English contemporary dictionary. 2014.
English contemporary dictionary. 2014.
Matriarchate — Ma tri*ar chate, n. The office or jurisdiction of a matriarch; a matriarchal form of government. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
matriarchate — [mā′trēär΄kit, mā′trē är΄kāt΄] n. 1. a family, tribe, etc. ruled by a matriarch 2. a matriarchal system, as in certain mythical tribes … English World dictionary
matriarchate — noun Date: 1884 matriarchy 1 … New Collegiate Dictionary
matriarchate — /may tree ahr kit, kayt/, n. 1. a matriarchal system or community. 2. a social order formerly believed to have preceded patriarchal tribal society in the early period of human communal life, embodying rule by the mothers, or by all adult women.… … Universalium
matriarchate — noun matriarchy … Wiktionary
matriarchate — ma·tri·arch·ate … English syllables
matriarchate — ma•tri•ar•chate [[t]ˈmeɪ triˌɑr kɪt, keɪt[/t]] n. soc ant matriarchy • Etymology: 1880–85 … From formal English to slang
matriarchate — /ˈmeɪtriakət/ (say maytreeahkuht), /ˈmæt / (say mat ), / keɪt/ (say kayt) noun 1. a matriarchal system or community. 2. Sociology a social order believed to have preceded patriarchal tribal society in the early period of human communal life,… …
matriarchate — noun a form of social organization in which a female is the family head and title is traced through the female line • Syn: ↑matriarchy • Derivationally related forms: ↑matriarchal (for: ↑matriarchy) • Hypernyms: ↑so … Useful english dictionary
Frauengesellschaft — Das Matriarchat (von lat. mater „Mutter“, und griech. arché „Beginn, Ursprung“, auch „Herrschaft“) ist eine gynozentrische Gesellschaftsstruktur, in der je nach verwendeter Definition entweder Frauen die Macht innehaben oder die frauenzentriert… … Deutsch Wikipedia